Year 2 - The Hazel Class
Welcome to Y2!
“Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.”
Roald Dahl
Mrs Coates and Mrs Helliwell
World Map
Continents and Oceans
First, we sail away to distant continents and oceans. What is it like at the Arctic and the Antarctic? Where is the Pacific Ocean? Can we name all the continents? We look at non fiction texts like ‘Atlas of Oceans Adventures’ to hep explore our oceans. And use maps and globes in Geogrophy to help us remember the seven continents and fove oceans.
The Great Fire of London
The year includes a trip back in time to 1666 to find out about the Great Fire of London. We learn about life in London at that time and how we know about the past from different sources of information, such as the diaries of Samuel Pepys. We look at how the fire service has changed because of the Great Fire of London and make our own modern day Fire Engines.
Fantastic Mr Fox
Amazing Creatures
‘Amazing Creatures’ is where we find out about different animals. We also begin to explore Roald Dahl’s ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ and find out about the characters ‘Boggis, Bunce and Bean’! We also design and create our own amazing creature hand puppets. Needles at the ready! Let’s get sewing!
Florence Nightingale
We read the story of Lila and the Secret of Rain which takes us on an imaginary journey to Kenya! We find out about the country and what it would be like to live there. We produce art work based on an artisit from borderin Tanzania and create some Safari scene paintings.
Fighting Fit
Another step back in time will be when we look at the work of Florence Nightingale and why we consider her a significant individual from history. We look at how she helped change the conditions of the hospitals during the Crimean War. We then explore the effect her work still has on society now, as part of our ‘Fighting Fit’ topic.
Super Scotland
The last half term is when we look a little closer to home with a geography based topic focussing on Scotland. What do we know already about the United Kingdom? What can we find out about Scotland; the country, the people and the traditions as well as looking at the Katie Morag stories, written by Mairi Hedderwick.
Nativity Play
Christmas is a busy time! We explore our Christmas Play in order to develop ideas in English around characters, setting, plot and stage direction. The play also forms part of our learning in R.E.
Assessments in KS1 are no longer statutory nationwied. Here at Loxley we keep up to date with assessments termly so we jnow exactly where our children are… and every day! Lessons may change a little depending on assessmnet from the previous lesson and work matched accordingly to tailor to children’s needs. So everytone can shine.
Tips for Y2 Parents
If you are able to help your child at home, here are some of the concepts that the Y2s find tricky;
Answering comprehension questions - so it’s really helpful if you can ask your child searching questions about their reading!
Pencil grip - making sure that your child has a comfortable and efficient pencil grip
Remembering a capital letter for the start of a sentence and a full stop at the end.
Forming all the letters correctly in a cursive style, starting and finishing in the correct place.
If your child didn’t pass the phonics check in Y1, it is really helpful to continue to work on phonics in Y2 ready for the phonics check in June.
Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100
Understanding money - knowing the different values of coins and notes, recognising them, making amounts, finding change etc.
Telling the time on an analogue clock - hour, half past, quarter past and minutes past
Thank you to all the parents for your continued support.
We would like to be able to work together to make sure that everyone in Year 2 reaches their full potential and has a very successful year.