Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Loxley Primary School, we are committed to providing a welcoming, attractive and stimulating environment to support the needs and develop the learning of all children. Members of staff work together with parents, governors and outside agencies to support pupils with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) to be successful in school, providing an inclusive yet aspirational environment.


What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs or has disabilities?

‘Children have special educational needs if their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision…different from, or additional to, that normally available to pupils of the same age.’

All children may have special educational needs at some point in their lives and may need some extra support putting in place. If you think your child has special educational needs, you can ask for an initial meeting with your child’s class teacher or contact the special educational needs and disability co-ordinator (SENDCo) in school.

Rachel Thornhill and Katie Simpson are our SENDCos. They can be contacted by phoning school on: 0114 234 4510 or by emailing her directly on:

rthornhill@loxley.sheffield.sch.uk or


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A Graduated Approach

We use the graduated response to support children with SEND in our school. Our first response is high quality teaching, (using challenge and support, observations, monitoring and quality CPD training) to support children’s needs within the classroom.

Our second response (wave 2) looks at using targeted interventions and small group work to support children with their needs. At this point we would also look at placing the child onto a support plan. Following the assess, plan, review, do cycle, we would meet with parents termly to look at what support is in place and what impact is having on support the child’s needs.

If your child is still not making progress from Wave 1 and Wave 2 interventions, we would then move to a Wave 3 approach. This involves support from outside agencies, regular communication with parents and more personalised support.

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Celebrating Strengths

Aiming high together, we believe that it is important to have high aspirations for all pupils. Children with special educational needs at Loxley Primary School, have opportunities to thrive in all areas of the curriculum, extra curricular activities and have equal opportunities to lead within the school.

We appreciate that every child is different and we like to recognise and celebrate every child’s individual strengths. We believe by developing children’s confidence, providing them with a range of life and social experiences and giving them opportunities to succeed, children will be happier in school and will have high ambition for the future.

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