Year One
Welcome to Y1
At Loxley in Year One we learn through structured play, practical activities and written tasks. Our aim is to become independent learners whilst having lots of fun.
Mrs Bennett and Mrs Quinn
Looking for hot and cold countries
Geography - Weather around the World
In this topic we look at different types of weather. We answer questions, such as, ‘What should I wear in different types of weather?’ and ‘How does the weather change from season to season?’ We use maps to locate the hottest and coldest places on Earth and learn about their geographical features. Throughout the year the pupils visit ‘Robin Wood’ (Our school’s woodland area) to look for signs that the seasons are changing.
Visit to Conisbrough Castle
History - Medieval Magic
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a medieval castle? Well, in this topic we discover what the different rooms in the castle were used for. The pupils learn the names of the features of the castle and they enjoy finding out about the jobs people used to do around the castle. The children always enjoy our visit to Conisbrough Castle, where we learn about the history of the castle and explore the medieval ruins.
English/History - Out of this World
Do you want to know who won the space race? In this topic we find out about all the contenders who tried to be the first person to land on the moon. The children enjoy looking for aliens in ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram, discovering what it would be like to wear a space suit and creating space poems using descriptive language.
Why are wellies made of rubber?
Can you match number words to their numeral?
How do you make scones?
Year 1 scientists investigate: the properties of different everyday materials, animals and their features, signs of the changing seasons and how plants grow. Children enjoy outdoor scientific learning, both in the playground and in Robin Wood.
In year 1 the children learn about place value, addition and subtraction to 20, 2d and 3d shapes, measuring length, weight and capacity, time and multiplication and division (grouping and sharing).
We try to make the learning practical and fun.
Design Technology - Scones
In this topic the children evaluate existing products on their taste, texture and appearance. They then practise skills, such as, rubbing in, rolling out and cutting. The children then have an opportunity to design their own scone recipe with different flavours, make the scones and evaluate against the design criteria.
Christmas Performance
Each year the children in Year 1 take part in a Christmas Nativity performance. We learn songs and dances to tell the Christmas story.
Phonics Check
In June, the children take part in a phonics assessment. This consists of real and nonsense words. The children are assessed on their ability to blend sounds in words. For example p-r-oo-l makes the word prool.
Learn something new every day!