Discovering the world around us through enquiry, scientific knowledge and first hand experiences.
A Love of Science
At Loxley, we aim to inspire a love of scientific exploration through exciting and captivating stimuli. Coupled with a clear progression of skills, the children are given the freedom to investigate a hypothesis, whilst being guided through the scientific process.
Immersive Experience
There are so many opportunities to experience scientific discovery in both everyday life and memorable experiences. That is why, at Loxley, we encourage scientific thinking outside of school life, but also in educational visits that will stay with the children for life.
Working Scientifically
Throughout the curriculum, we not only teach new skills for working scientifically, but ensure that we embed those which were acquired in previous years. Our aim is that by the end of their time at Loxley, pupils can:
Approach an investigation with a clear hypothesis and a set of predictions based on their previous experience and knowledge.
Conduct an experiment carefully and with a solid understanding of the impact of different variables.
Record observations and results clearly and accurately and presenting their findings in an appropriate way.
Analyse and collate their results in order to draw pertinent conclusions.